This is a little excerpt written in March of this year and for some reason I didn't post... it isn't likely to get written in the story, but it was another idea:
The two (sorry, can't remember which two... the villains whoever they are) go seaching where they know Kamal kept a safe. In his startup business... a little restaurant on the top floor of a shopping plaza containing not much at all of interest except Dingolay (need a tight lime green spandex night club outfit... or a bright orange straw beach bag?), a food court and a bunch of stores selling swimwear or cheap shoes.
Anyway, the evil guys (do you know who they are?) bribe a few people to let them and the two locksmiths in so they could open up the little Brinks safe bolted to the floor of the inside office.
"Sorry, this ain't gonna open." The short sullen locksmith threw up his hands in despair. Then the older of the two came over, surveyed the safe and proceded to drill a hole. The atmosphere was tense and in the hour duration it took to make a hole big enough to trigger the lock, three people separately and secretly took the would be openers of the safe aside to inform them of something inside the safe that they had given Kamal for safekeeping... (Of course, they hoped to reclaim thier items without word of it being mentioned to anyone else... AS IF! Imagine keeping the following items secret: A brown manila envelope marked with the label "Taipei" and containing US$100,000, a solid gold (something or other), and a revolver).
Imagine everyone's shock when the safe was finally opened and all that was inside was... a calendar from 1996, a collection of socks with no mates, and a silver lighter (Kamal doesn't smoke).
The truth was, it also contained a pair of women's underwear and bag of coffee beans -the finishing touch for any good flaming Zambuca. Might that also the have been the purpose of the silver lighter? But we don't necessarily want to touch the knickers - literally and figuratively.
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