Monday, October 25, 2004

Korea Updates

Thanks so much for all the great stories of Korea. I have decided that some of them will definately have to make an appearance. For those of you whjo didn't read the comments... the Korea stories are posted in the comments of the "Second Solicitation" entry.

The matching clothes in Cheju:
I was already thinking of having Tara have a small affair with Korea student who keeps pursuing her. They go to Cheju do... Why does she have to meet the only really cheap Korean guy... the one who expects her to pay? Anyway, it is Valentine's Day and it is a little sickening. When he buys matching shirts for them, he wants her to pay for hers! She doesn't really get to see Cheju though as they spend the time fighting about money and then the trip... and the affair is over.

Usury and English Prostitution
In addition, I have decided to add a few scenes with her Korean roommate (who can't wait to lave). The roommate is starting to feel guilty about how much she can't stand being in Korea... and about how much she is fleecing her parents' friends' for (for private lessons for their kiddies). Need to really emphasize the parental greed for their children to be the absolute best at everything.

Roommate feels like she is using the country of her parent's birth to make money... upon which she plans to leave without giving anything back. Tara on the other hand doesn't feel guilt, but rather shame. After all, she doesn't want to teach those extra private lessons (but like roommate, just can't get out of them... employees and acquaintances are good at guilting her inot them). So in a sense, she is an "English whore." She has to do something she can't stand for money! Not only that (and you, Amy, will know this is a true story), she has agreed to teach her dentist English in return for 2.5 years of orthodontic care - braces, retainers, tooth bleaching and all.

Leg-crossing in the Subway:
This happened to me too, you know? I had my leg whacked down by old lady's umbrella... This may make it in the novel only as a sympathy story to an even more outrageous one. Did you know that Anna actually got beaten up on the subway platform by some elderly person's umbrella. We will have to think of something she was doing wrong.

Maybe... more likely to write about Dunkin Donuts... Hee heee...

Deog/k: Duck or dog?
This is also good... ALthough if I tell this story, I have to let everyone know that NOT ALL KOREANS eat dog... and that it is no more barbarian than eating a lot of other things....


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