Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Name Changes

Okay... this may seem a little flakey, but I am about to change all the main characters' names (except for Lan Cho's) and add more characters in the next entry. This site is likely only to become a place for collecting ideas and the real writing will be more organized and placed in a different location in an easy to read and follow format... details to come. Anyway, the main characters are now named as follows:
Kamal Nadim Faiz (formerly Javed)
Why Kamal? It means beauty or perfection... which is something Kamal strives for, and seemingly attains...  (He also pursues beauty).
Tara Biquis Ismay (formerly Azeeza)
Let Tara serve as an Anglo spelling for Thara', meaning wealth. Wealth is something Tara has never strived for (or attained... at least not material wealth). However, weatlh disturbs her. It seems both abundance and lack thereof are situations to be ashamed of. She is often surrounded it seems by those with less than.... or those better off. In the course of the story, she will discover some truths about wealth... just as Kamal will discover some about beauty.
Christian Bell (formerly Bruce)
No real reason for this particular name change other  than it can be both short and masculin sounding: Chris, or longer and prettier. Bell is the Anglicization of Lebel. Chris likely goes by Chris Bell when out with friends, but is written up in food journals as Chef/Restauranteur Christian Lebel.
There are more characters to come, but in the meatime, I think I should work just a little on dialog. Chris still m,makes some small grammatical errors in speaking English and swears a lot. I will definately need a little help in identifying what kinds of errors French speakers (who are fairly proficient in English) might make when speaking English...


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