Sunday, October 03, 2004

Omnipotent Third Person?

Dilemma! Now I want to write about what happens to Javed (he needs a new name by the way), but I am not sure about the narrative. I don't want to use the first person narrative because that puts me too close... I also don't believe I have the skill or knowledge of the male psyche to write from a man's perspective. In addition, when seemingly tragic things happen, I don't want to get bogged down in those emotions.

But neither do I want to be omnipotent third person narrator and talk about how all the characters feel. I hope the reader can infer much of how the characters are feeling without my having to write about them...
I am starting to think I should be taking a creative writing course while fleecing out the details.

Another problem: dialog... I am realizing that while I may be able to learn to write descriptive passages, I am likely to encounter difficulties with dialog. Can I ofset some of this by writing in vignettes? I will post the entire first vignette soon (and all in one post so you need not read from the bottom up) for your reading pleasure. Please be sure and send feedback. I am not afraid of words like "stilted", "contrived", or "wordy"- So long as the criticism is constructive.


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