The Pig and the Pick-up

Did I forget to mention that there is a Golf-pro Shop around the corner from Barbados? Nobody at Barbados plays golf... but kamal longs to visit the Pro Shop. The woman at the counter is another possible date. She is quite cute. She is not central in anyway to the story, but to help establish Kamal's opportunism when it comes to beautiful women.
I noticed this woman in REAL life jere in TAipei (except that in real life, she is middle aged and very wrinkled). What is special about her is that if you ever wanted to meet her, it would be easy to come up with an initial topic of conversation since she ties her pet PIG in front of her shop every morning!
I think Kamal's opener would be to offer to cook her up a delicious candle-light dinner back at his place... PORK TENDERLOIN!
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