Monday, December 06, 2004

Long Time, No Write

Well, it has been a long time since I posted anything on this blog.... it isn't because I have given up, but I have been thinking and doing research. The first part of my research involved visiting the fortune teller. After visiting the fortune teller (see last entry), I realized that my starting point would have to be scrapped as the real point of the story was obscured.... perhaps I didn't really know where I was going with this. The truth is, the story is about two half-siblings who have never met, both (however) living quasi-parallel lives as ex-pats... both searching for identity and happiness and/or fulfillment (although their ideas about what would make them happy/fulfilled are very different). Although not apparent on the surface, they are both actually (like so many others) also seeking approval/seeking to prove their worth/seeking admiration of others.
These themes will unfold as we tell the story of the siblings looking for themselves in each other (each being quite literally a stranger to the other). The real reason I haven't really written so much is that I have been focused on Kamal (as the more interesting protagonist). In actuality, I feel the story should be about Kamal, but center more around Tara -- as Kamal will disappear part-way through the story. The story (unlike those of my hero-Salman Rushdie) is not allegorically related to anything larger than the story of two people's lives.

As I see it, there are 2 options for the starting point:

OPTION 1: The story will begin at the fortune teller. Kamal has disappeared and no one knows where he has gone to... the parts of Kamal and Tara's meeting are told with Tara as protagonist... or others (Lan etc)

OPTION 2: The story starts with Tara and Kamal's first meeting. She has taken a school vacation to visit Taiwan and meet him - the brother she never knew existed before.

As for other research, I have ordered a number of books on writing. I will be reading them over the winter vacation to learn how to write dialog and gain other insights into writing. I will also attempt to outline the whole story.


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