Friday, August 25, 2006

Sam - flip side of the coin

Enter Sam, short for Samad, nickname for Sabir. Sam was born in Sylet, Bangladesh... but grew up in Dhaka. His mother Sapna was married to the Bangladeshi Ambassador to North Korea, but he died- mysterious circumstances- and hence mommy dearest became very wealthy.
Sometime later (how much later still to be determined) during an ambassadorial do - a rather boring affair at the closest thing to a 5 star hotel in Dhaka, Sapna meets F (a party crasher). F is suave and holds a Canadian passport. One things leads to another and Sam is conceived, but F goes missing... actually, he just leaves with no forwarding address. As F seems to want nothing to do with Sam (can we assume this by his absense?) and Sapna is unwilling/unable to leave Bangladesh, Sam is shipped off to live with an Aunty (on mom's side) in Toronto so he can get a Canadian education (and try to locate F who has made off with great deal of Sapna's inheritance). Sapna sends money for Sam's upkeep, but this is unbeknownst to Sam and Aunty belittles him at every opportunity and keeps kim continually on his toes and feeling guilthy. Sam begins to develop great resentment for his mother for placing him in that situation and a deep hatred for his father.
Sam is in and out of trouble, but is clever and has no difficulties in school. HOwever, he decides to go to Military school in Kingston -following a lead that his dad is a lecturer there.

How does Samir work his way into the story? One of Kamal's friends (the youngest of 3 Beijan brothers) lives as a dentist in Kingston sees Samir in KIngston an reports his sighting to someone in Barbados. The news circulates that Kamal (not sam) has been sighted in Canada. The story grows with each retelling and soon we find a story that involves Christian Lebell, money laudering, narcotics, diamonds, and a winess relocation plan.

The truth? F is also Kamal's father and the two from any distance are indistinguishable... or at least they were since Kamal darkened up and Sam put on weight (military training). They looked not quite so much alike the first (and last) time they met...


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